Denise writes:

> You may be looking at upper 80's to start depending on your
> experience; the
> softening job market has lowered salaries somewhat, but you should still
> fare well if you have the experience.

This is where I find out what they really think of me.  :-)

> Just remember, most of what you earn will go for transportation and
> housing--a few grand sometimes for an a_part_ment, not to mention a house.
> Try this

I know accommodation prices there are insane, but transport is even more
expensive here than in the Valley.  I recently bought a VW Golf TDI -- a
$16,000 car that sells for UKP16,000 here (after heavy-duty haggling).
Diesel, like petrol, routinely costs the equivalent of about $6 per US
gallon.  I've just managed to get my car insurance down below UKP600 a year
for the first time.

Anyway, thanks once again for your help and for the Web link.


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