On top of Revelation, the book of Daniel also makes for an interesting

I'm not going to use this forum (or my employer's time) to proselytize.
I would just encourage those who do not believe that the Bible is the
word of God to maybe reconsider when Israel becomes involved in an
all-out war in the Middle East. If I'm wrong and the war never happens,
you can thumb your nose at me and laugh. But if I'm right and the war
DOES happen, grab yourself a Bible and start reading it with the state
of mind that it may not just be a book full of fiction after all.
Intellectuality and faith are not mutually exclusive.

That's all I'm going to say on the matter, so please withhold the flames
(unless you want to send them to me personally off the list).

John Hornbuckle
Network Manager
Taylor County School District
318 North Clark Street
Perry, FL 32347

-----Original Message-----
From: Matthew Western [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2001 7:55 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Australian Expressing Sadness + Something to think about

Hi People,
I'd just like to express sadness to all the people in the US effected by
the attacks on US.  I think it's disgusting and should be punished.
While people everywhere are in a state of shock/uncertainty/fear it's
worth thinking about where each of us are going to spend our eternal
destiny.  The Bible predicts basically a World War 3 where everyone will
attack Israel and try to wipe them off the face off the earth...
Revelation is an interesting book to read through........ Have a good
day (and think about the following excert). Regards Matthew


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