Okay--I'll be the one to ask... Why would you subscribe to an NT System
Admin Issues mailing list if you weren't running or administering NT?

John Hornbuckle
Network Manager
Taylor County School District
318 North Clark Street
Perry, FL 32347 

-----Original Message-----
From: genec [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2001 8:00 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Re: A message to Stu

Stu, this is Gene.  I have been trying for weeks to get unsubscribe to
the newsletter.  Mainly because of the so many e-mails to deal with.
Most of the information I cannot use, because I do not have NT.  It
sounds as though they have a multitude of problems with NT. Mercy.  I
have had as many as 1000 e-mails to deal with some days.  I enjoy
reading them, and learning, but it is too much some days.  Thanks for
your help



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