I didn't get to see much of the footage of the events yesterday. I
actually saw a clip of the plane flying into the WTC. I can -not-
believe it. That whole scene looks like something out of the movie
'Independence Day'. The amount of dust resembles that of a volcanic
Pretty sure I was in a state of disbelief yesterday, don't think I
really realized the magnitude of what had happened. In my 20 years on
this earth I've never seen anything like that. Sure made for an
uncomfortable elevator ride this morning to the 31st floor....
Just for the record, I was never criticizing the US president. I was
referring to what I've frequently heard him described as up here (not
necessarily MY view, just that of others). Regardless, I have a
tremendous amount of respect for someone in his position right about

M. Binette
Cybertech Automation Inc.


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