Your machine is set to "Automatically Reboot".  This causes your problem.  When
a BSOD occurs, the system reboots.  Since you can't get at the OS, the problem
must be located in one of the driver or system loaded files.

Insert and boot from the Win2000 CD and choose the "Recovery Console" mode.


____________________Reply Separator____________________
Subject:    Win2K looping upon bootup
Author: NT System Admin Issues <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date:       09/14/2001 4:15 PM

Firstly, my heart goes out to all those families who lost loved ones in that
tragic attack.  This e-mail list helped me deal with the emotional torment
that I felt from the very first day of the attack.  Reading through 350+
e-mails relating to the attack made me feel very close to the
pain/frustration of the citizens of the United States as well as others
throughout the rest of the world.  
      I have an issue that may be trivial to some but I'll ask anyway.
Win2K machine on a Dell Precision 410 (Pentium II with 128Mb RAM (ecc)
Diamond Pro FireGl video card) does not get past the "starting Windows 2000"
(screen with the horizontal bar graph loading) just reboots again
over and over, looping.  Memory, HDD, CPU or video card failure may be the
culprit(s) but the system is in a remote location and these can not be ruled
out so easily.  Booting up in Safe mode results in same problem.  Any ideas
as to how to isolate the problem remotely?  Thanks in advance! 

>    Ted M
>    eNGENU!TY Technologies
>    Montreal, Canada
>    Visit us at:

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