It's called St Bernard Software UpDate Expert. There is an agent that runs
on servers as well as workstations. The agent will query Db for updates and
actually download them for you. If you like the centralized approach, you
can run a console and tell what servers/ workstations get what updates. It's
very cool.

Please let me know if you have any more questions or would like pricing.

Steve Clark
Clark Systems Support, LLC
AVIEN Charter Member
        301-610-9584 voice
        240-465-0323 Efax

-----Original Message-----
From: Bob's Lists [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 2001 1:29 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: WARNING: Hacker Alert
Importance: High

> This is a real can of super ugly worms and you need a total
> security policy for your site not just blocking executables via email.

Tell me about it. I have 13 servers here, 3 of them *nix. All of them
survived except one which got hit, because it had a trust relationship with
a web designer's home machine and he got hit.

Keeping all these machines up to date is a royal pain in the ass - since
Microsloth haven't seen fit to include the hotfixes in their 'windowsupdate'
site for NT4 yet.

I remember seeing a URL somewhere of a useful gadget for telling you which
servers had which patches, and which servers needed which patches but now
that I need it, I'll be damned if I can find it... :(

Anyone out there with a better memory?



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