Anyone running the Network Associates ePolicy Orchestrator care to answer a

At one time we installed the Management Edition crap and it utterly brought
our client PC's to a crawl (Win95/Win2k). We are about to start looking at
using the ePolicy Orchestrator 2.0 and I am wondering what performance
impact I can expect to see on the client PCs when I have the ePO 'Agent'
installed on the clients...I DO NOT want to see a noticable impact or this
is never going to fly. We will be testing this thoroughly before making a
decision, but the timeline is rather tight all the same.

If anyone knows beforehand how well this is going to work out, or if there
are any 'known' issues or performance tweaks - that is all welcome
information and very much appreciated.!


Aaron G. Krueger
Sr. Network Analyst

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