Title: Out of Buffer Error
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-----Original Message-----
From: John Cesta - Lists [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, September 28, 2001 11:07 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Files keep disappearing from the winnt dir

I am having a sort of weird problem on one of my NT4.0 SP6a servers. A while back I had to clean the server - chkdsk - seemed to work ok.
After that this problem keeps occurring. One day I noticed that the files - not any directories just files -  in the c:\winnt directory were gone except for two of them. I copied the files from another identical NT box in to this server's winnt directory. A day or so later they were gone again. I copied them into the dir again, a day later they are gone. I KNOW that the server does not have any viruses. I can only figure that the server may have a corrupt file system and needs to be cleaned once more.
Any suggestions?
John Cesta

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