Exactly.  :P  Now if you all don't mind, I'm gonna listen to the Sun Bowl.
My Ducks will likely loose, but I'm gonna listen anyway.  I'm stubborn like

-----Original Message-----
From: Steve Ens [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, December 31, 2007 10:56 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Re: SonicWall NAT'ing question

Works out to be the same....

On Dec 31, 2007 12:52 PM, NTSysAdmin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I gave you the wrong site.sorry.
> Should have been http://secunia.com/
> S
> From: Jim Majorowicz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  Sent: Monday, December 31, 2007 2:29 PM
>  To: NT System Admin Issues
>  Subject: RE: SonicWall NAT'ing question
> Steve,
> I'm not going to get in a pissing match with you especially when you point
> me to a website that is trying to sell me something, but my guess is that
> any vulnerabilities listed would be for retired product lines. (At least a
> quick check of *CURRENT* Watchguard products seems to indicates  0
> vunribilities, so I'm gonna have to take your word for the rest of it.)
> you're gonna qualify a statement like that, you'd better make sure you
> qualify it for both sides.  I'd hazard a guess that *EVERY* product
> as a firewall has at least one vulnerability discovered for it, and that
> *INCLUDES* ISA.  (Don't make me whip out past ISA vulnerabilities and the
> disasters that surrounded them.)  How a company handles those discoveries
> far more important.
> My point to Dr. Shinder was that his response was in no way helpful in
> answering the question asked.  Just *ANOTHER* of his flame inducing posts
> that start the same old flame wars that we've all done 100's times in the
> last 10 years.  (My Gawd people, we *HAVE* been answering questions on
> list for 10 *YEARS* We're getting old.)  And it seems that you and I are
> taking that bait.
> From: Steve Moffat [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of NTSysAdmin
>  Sent: Monday, December 31, 2007 9:50 AM
>  To: NT System Admin Issues
>  Subject: RE: SonicWall NAT'ing question
> Hmm.
> Check secunia.org for vulnerabilities on all the products you've
> mentioned..then check on compromises on the same products.
> Not 1 report of a compromised ISA protected environment since ISA 2000.
> Can't say that about the rest...
> S
> From: Jim Majorowicz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  Sent: Monday, December 31, 2007 1:15 PM
>  To: NT System Admin Issues
>  Subject: RE: SonicWall NAT'ing question
> Dr. Shinder,
> Despite what you seem to want to believe there are other equally good
> better, IMHO) firewalls out there that come in appliances.  That's not to
> say that ISA isn't a good product, as it has it's uses, but so do
> Watchguard and Checkpoint products.  If you can't add to a discussion in a
> way that helps the poster resolve their problem, I would suggest you
> from posting, if only to keep guys like Mr. Ely and Mr. Shook from
> pitchforks and torches and stirring up the locals into a mob looking to
> your neck in a noose.. Again.
> From: Thomas W Shinder [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  Sent: Saturday, December 29, 2007 1:25 PM
>  To: NT System Admin Issues
>  Subject: RE: SonicWall NAT'ing question
> ASA?
> ACK! Why didn't you use an ISA firewall? Much more secure and many fewer
> security issues.
> Only a fool would use an ASA, IMHO.
> HTH,
> Tom
> From: Andy Shook [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  Sent: Friday, December 28, 2007 2:27 PM
>  To: NT System Admin Issues
>  Subject: SonicWall NAT'ing question
> SonicWall Pro 1260 w/enhanced OS
> I need to configure this box to NAT/PAT for a new network (10.101.2.x/24)
> just brought online.  This sonicwall is only going to be in service for a
> few more weeks, as I'm migrating to a new ASA 5510.  I did figure out the
> routing on the sonicwall so it can get to the aforementioned network but
> nodes on that network can't get to the Internet.  Do I create a new NAT
> policy?  What am I missing?
> Shook
> http://www.linkedin.com/in/andyshook

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