Without a local DC I think the WAN traffic would be heavy during the
logon process, and  users would only get local cached logons if the WAN
was down.

Roger Wright 
Network Administrator 
Evatone, Inc. 
727.572.7076  x388 

Prudhomme's Law Of Window Cleaning:  It's on the other side. 
From: Joe Heaton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, January 10, 2008 6:43 PM 
To: NT System Admin Issues 
Subject: RE: New Remote Office 
We have 3 remote offices in our organization, each with their own DC.
AD replication doesn't seem to be very heavy at all as far as bandwidth
usage.  We're actually looking at getting rid of the servers though, and
are looking at what kind of bandwidth increase we're going to be facing
from that.

Joe Heaton 

From: Roger Wright [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, January 10, 2008 3:22 PM 
To: NT System Admin Issues 
Subject: New Remote Office 
We have a new remote location coming online in a couple months and are
working on our IT plan.  
There will be a permanent  VPN between the two sites.  We plan for the
remote users (about 20) to access their apps via a terminal server here,
but they'll also have a local file and print server.  The Exchange
server resides here

We're unsure whether to make that location a separate domain with trusts
between the two or add them to the existing domain and make their local
F/P server a DC of the existing domain.  The Exchange server resides
here and permissions are already set for the users who will be

What are the relative merits of a remote DC of the existing domain
versus creating a new domain and adding the trusts?  How much data would
be moving across the wire for A/D syncs?

Roger Wright 
Network Administrator 
Evatone, Inc. 
727.572.7076  x388 
If your mind goes blank, remember to turn down the sound. 



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