Thank you, Andrew, for your reasoned words. I am extremely frustrated and
overloaded with work right now, and when people insist on saying "pay for
your own training" when I *specifically* requested that we cease flogging
that particular deceased equine, I lash out.

I would like to apologize to the list in general. However, my point remains:
I have no money, whatsoever, for training. I am doing good to pay my bills
as it is. Thank you for understanding. 

Should conditions change such that I can afford to pay my bills, eat AND
keep a roof over my head as well as pay for training, I will do so. Please
let's not continue with "sometimes you just have to pay for your own
training" for the time being. Please.

This has been a VERY hectic Monday and it's not even half over yet. Sorry
for any hard feelings. I have tried to take to heart the need to try to find
the answers on my own. Obviously some folks didn't notice that I had not had
much luck searching, but I did try. Thank you.

From: Andrew S. Baker [] 
Sent: Monday, August 01, 2011 11:41 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Re: Training (was RE: Error message in logs)

Biting the hands that feed you is always bad policy.

If you insist on taking that approach, you might consider doing so off-line
so you don't destroy what little sympathy appears to remain for you on this

Unless, of course, your real goal is just to annoy and create confusion, in
which case, carry on.

Harnessing the Advantages of Technology for the SMB market…

On Mon, Aug 1, 2011 at 11:11 AM, John Aldrich <>
Apparently you didn't read my initial post. I DID Google. I found a page
that applied to Windows 2000, but supposedly said it applied to 2003 as
well. Guess what. It didn't. I posted on here and CONTINUED to search. I
finally found another page that refers to a different KB article that
explains that it's likely a corrupt local GPO. So, yes, I did do "due
diligence." <sarcasm> Sorry if I didn't do enough for you or do it fast
enough! </sarcasm>

-----Original Message-----
From: Mayo, Bill []
Sent: Monday, August 01, 2011 10:56 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Training (was RE: Error message in logs)

That does not mean that the list should then provide that training to
you for free.  I will not speak in broad generalizations, but, in
regards to your most recent emergency, you could have found out most of
the information you solicited from the list on the internet for free.
There is an expectation that you will put some good faith effort into
solving your own problems before coming to the list.

There are some great, intelligent, experienced folks on this list, and
they really try to help.  The least we can all do when coming for
assistance is to try and do some basic troubleshooting and research on
our own, so as not to waste other people's time and annoy them.  This
cannot turn into a newbie support list, or all those aforementioned
folks are going to leave.  Please stop abusing this list so that it can
remain the valuable resource it is.

Bill Mayo

-----Original Message-----
From: John Aldrich []
Sent: Monday, August 01, 2011 10:26 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Training (was RE: Error message in logs)

Guys, I DO understand where you're coming from. Really. But do you not
recall my diatribe last week about not having any money to pay for
I wasn't speaking JUST about my employer, I was speaking about myself
too. I really don't have the money for training. I am living paycheck to
paycheck and STILL coming up short every month, so I really don't want
to hear about "pay for training yourself!" And trust me, I'm not living
high on the hog.
There's no champagne and caviar or expensive cars, etc. If you really
want me to get training, give me the money and I'll gladly go get
Really, just tell me where to find the money and I'll do it.


-----Original Message-----
From: Michael B. Smith []
Sent: Monday, August 01, 2011 10:05 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Error message in logs


I think the last time I had an employer pay for my training was in, uh,
1995 or so?

-----Original Message-----
From: Webster []
Sent: Monday, August 01, 2011 10:02 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Error message in logs

Sometimes YOU have to invest YOUR own money in YOUR own training.  Pays
off in the LONG term.

Just my $0.02US worth of advice.

Carl Webster
Consultant and Citrix Technology Professional

> -----Original Message-----
> From: John Aldrich []
> Subject: RE: Error message in logs
> Ok, I take it back. There are some GPOs, but they are in the nature of

> password policy. I didn't realize those were "GPOs." (Yes, I realize
> I'm woefully undereducated, but I have neither the time nor the money
> to do anything about it at this point, so let's skip that whole
> diatribe, shall
> we???)

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