Been a big help to me too. I am just trying now how to work out how to get
the most work from two clients. I have an offer in the post for ten days'
work for a fairly high-profile client but also an overlapping offer for a
month's work at a different client. Is there any way people have found to
balance out overlapping projects, or is it just a case of try to fit them
in consecutively? Or do I really need to get involved at the bid stage
rather than getting agencies coming to me with the offers? I suppose if I
quoted them based around a project delivery timescale rather than purely x
days at x rate, I could maybe shoehorn conflicting jobs in.



On 7 February 2012 20:08, ntsysadmin <> wrote:

>  I have to thank you guys for this thread. I’ve been doing consulting for
> about 15 years, for some small businesses and a couple years of full time
> work for one business in particular. I’ve recently stopped working full
> time for my “big” client (skills were stagnating because of too many other
> responsibilities there) and decided to grow my business. This thread has
> given me some good ideas. I wish I could get back all of the referrals I
> turned down over the years while working for that big client. Thanks!****
> ** **
> *From:* Michael B. Smith []
> *Sent:* Monday, February 06, 2012 11:01 PM
> *To:* NT System Admin Issues
> *Subject:* RE: OT - ugh!****
>  ** **
> I hate to sound corny or mystical, but I’ll write it anyway: if you
> believe, the Universe will provide. You just have to be willing to open the
> damn door when opportunity knocks.****
> ** **
> Regards,****
> ** **
> Michael B. Smith****
> Consultant and Exchange MVP****
> ** **
> *From:* David Lum [ <>]
> *Sent:* Monday, February 06, 2012 10:45 PM
> *To:* NT System Admin Issues
> *Subject:* RE: OT - ugh!****
>  ** **
> Yeah I already figured I’d need 4 more clients of the same size as by
> biggest one. My biggest client is 3-10 hrs/week during “non-server upgrade”
> months. It would take 4 more clients of that size for me to break even with
> %dayjob%, and I would need at least three of them lined up before I jumped.
> If I was single it would have been a no-brainer long ago…****
> ** **
> Dave****
> ** **
> ** **
> *From:* Michael B. Smith []
> *Sent:* Monday, February 06, 2012 3:04 PM
> *To:* NT System Admin Issues
> *Subject:* RE: OT - ugh!****
>  ** **
> I want it now. J****
> ** **
> Three clients isn’t enough. I have 5 HUGE clients and close to 80 minor
> (where major/minor is defined in terms of how much support they want from
> me) clients.****
> ** **
> Webster is a lot more willing to travel than I am. I prefer to work from
> my office at home (I’ve got a 13-y/o son that lives with me), and with
> video chat that works for most clients. Not all of them, though. So… I plan
> to travel 8-10 times a year; while Webster spends most of his time on the
> road.****
> ** **
> Regards,****
> ** **
> Michael B. Smith****
> Consultant and Exchange MVP****
> ** **
> *From:* Webster []
> *Sent:* Monday, February 06, 2012 5:49 PM
> *To:* NT System Admin Issues
> *Subject:* Re: OT - ugh!****
>  ** **
> I can only speak for me, and it has been feast since I went out on my own
> Feb 1st last year.  So far this year, the feast is even better as there is
> very little agency work so I get 100% of the billables. :)  Yes, I am
> complaining all the way to the bank.  If it gets any better, MBS is going
> to want a referral fee or commission! ****
> ** **
> ** **
> Carl Webster****
> Consultant and Citrix Technology Professional****
> <>****
> ** **
> *From: *David Lum <>
> *Reply-To: *NT Issues <>
> *Date: *Mon, 6 Feb 2012 22:31:45 +0000
> *To: *NT Issues <>
> *Subject: *RE: OT - ugh!****
> ** **
> That’s part of my fear of dropping %dayjob% and going 100% on my own biz –
> feast or famine! With just three clients I have I’m always amazed at how
> often their feast/famine cycles coincide, and they even have different
> fiscal year cycles. I mean, in the span of two months I am doing an SBS
> 2003 – SBS2011 swing for two of them. One of these clients I can go months
> with nothing other than patching.****
>  ****
> *From:* Webster [ <>]
> *Sent:* Monday, February 06, 2012 9:31 AM
> *To:* NT System Admin Issues
> *Subject:* Re: OT - ugh!
> ****
>   ****
> I find myself busier than a one-arm paper hanger in a wind storm.  Don't
> know why it took me so long to convince MBS that I should go solo! LOL****
>  ****
> Now that my fellow CTPs know I can spell AD, I am finding myself doing a
> lot of AD assessments, assisting with AD migrations and putting in 2008 R2
> AD infrastructures.  I would say I am now 50% AD and 50% Citrix.  I no
> longer do Exchange and refer all that to MBS.****
>  ****
> I can't believe how much Citrix work I turn down because I just don't have
> the time.  Right now I am tentatively booked thru the end of July and
> already starting to worry because no one is calling about August or
> September yet! :)****
>  ****
>  ****
> Carl Webster****
> Consultant and Citrix Technology Professional****
> <>****
>  ****
> *From: *James Rankin <>
> *Reply-To: *NT Issues <>
> *Date: *Mon, 6 Feb 2012 16:53:32 +0000
> *To: *NT Issues <>
> *Subject: *Re: OT - ugh!
> ****
>   ****
> I ran as a contractor through a managed services company for about six
> years before taking the plunge myself. Whereas now I find myself counting
> the amount of extra tax I spent the last six years paying in disgust.
> It may have been the aforementioned man-in-Alaska mentioning how he could
> work for 48 hours a day once he'd struck out on his own that possibly
> contributed to convincing me to do the same.****
> On 6 February 2012 15:47, Michael B. Smith <> wrote:*
> ***
> I put off starting my own business for YEARS because I was afraid of what
> I already knew. :-) Whereas, in retrospect, I wish I'd done it much earlier.
> I can think of someone else on this mailing list (who is in Alaska this
> week) who waited even longer than I did. :-)
> Regards,
> Michael B. Smith
> Consultant and Exchange MVP
>  ** **
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"On two occasions...I have been asked, 'Pray, Mr Babbage, if you put into
the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out?' I am not able
rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such
a question."


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