Alright then.  I just think you'll find you're in the minority of people
who think 2000 wasn't good or great.

As an aside, I remember when XP came out, people called it Windows Legos
edition.  People moved to XP because MS stopped updating 2000 and it wasn't
a bad upgrade, mainly a change in look and feel, unlike Vista, which
created all kinds of headaches much beyond look and feel.

On Thu, Mar 8, 2012 at 11:19 AM, James Rankin <> wrote:

> Got it in one, I don't. It's like the fact I hate VW Golfs, they may have
> loads of things people can reel off that are great, but I still can't stand
> them.
> Anyway, I put "not so good" because aside from the fact I didn't like it,
> it was quickly superseded by 2003/XP. And putting AD as a feature really
> only applies to those running domains. I was speaking merely to a
> perception of it for "how people found it to use".
> And if that Metro-abortion is anything to go by, I'll hate that too. But
> I'll reserve judgement till after I get a chance to play with it and let my
> initial "where have things moved to" frustration pass by.
> Besides, moving on, I've said all I want to about this, it's all just my
> opinion, etc. , etc.
> On 8 March 2012 16:12, Steven M. Caesare <> wrote:
>> Well now you can have mine weather you want them or not:****
>> ** **
>> - Vastly improved GUI (bye bye ProgMan & FileMan)****
>> - Plug-N-Play****
>> - Power Management (you can finally use this thing on a laptop)****
>> - AD****
>> - MMC****
>> - EFS****
>> - Dynamic Disks****
>> - Fat32 support****
>> - USB support****
>> - UDF support (DVDs!)****
>> - WFP****
>> - WMI****
>> - WDM introduced (Finally Win2K device driver development became an equal
>> citizen for developers)****
>> - Quotas****
>> -Legit DirectX****
>> - WSH****
>> - Group Policy****
>> -Offline Files****
>> -RDP/Terminal services in base edition****
>> -DFS****
>> ** **
>> ** **
>> While each new version of Windows has a laundry-list of new features, and
>> there are a bunch of other ones in Win2K I didn’t list (MSMQ, etc…),  that
>> subset I just listed are ones that made a significant tangible difference
>> in the experience to me…. Major improvements.****
>> ** **
>> And the thing was pretty darn fast and stable. Heck I ran betas 1-3 for a
>> year or better before release and they were pretty rock solid.****
>> ** **
>> I’d argue Win2K may have been the single most significant release since
>> NT was born.****
>> ** **
>> -sc****
>> ** **
>> ** **
>> ** **
>> ** **
>> ** **
>> ** **
>> ** **
>> ** **
>> ** **
>> ** **
>> ** **
>> ** **
>> ** **
>> *From:* Rankin, James R []
>> *Sent:* Thursday, March 08, 2012 10:46 AM
>> *To:* NT System Admin Issues
>> *Subject:* Re: Win 8 CP - Initial thoughts?****
>> ** **
>> I thought 2K was sh!t. I've had everyone else's thoughts on this already
>> though. But I still hate it. :-)****
>> ---Blackberried****
>> ------------------------------
>> *From: *"Steven M. Caesare" <> ****
>> *Date: *Thu, 8 Mar 2012 10:40:08 -0500****
>> *To: *NT System Admin Issues<>****
>> *ReplyTo: *"NT System Admin Issues" <
>> *Subject: *RE: Win 8 CP - Initial thoughts?****
>> ** **
>> > 2000 not so good****
>> ** **
>> Wait, what?****
>> ** **
>> -sc****
>> ** **
>> *From:* James Rankin []
>> *Sent:* Monday, March 05, 2012 3:22 PM
>> *To:* NT System Admin Issues
>> *Subject:* Re: Win 8 CP - Initial thoughts?****
>> ** **
>> Maybe everyone's just pensive because Microsoft have a habit of following
>> good OSes with bad. NT4 good - 2000 not so good - XP/2003 good -
>> Vista/Server 2008 pants - 7/Server 2008 R2 good - 8 ?****
>> On 5 March 2012 20:00, John Hornbuckle <>
>> wrote:****
>> As an enterprise, I’m very concerned about the learning curve, too.****
>>  ****
>> But at some point, you have to finally break away from the past even if
>> it involves a steep learning curve. The jump from DOS to Win3x required
>> quite a bit of retraining, as did the jump from Win3x to Win95. Both of
>> those were fairly radical moves, and things have stayed relatively static
>> since Win95 with the old familiar Start button in the lower-left corner.*
>> ***
>>  ****
>> Maybe it’s time for a big shift.****
>>  ****
>>  ****
>> John****
>>  ****
>>  ****
>>  ****
>>  ****
>>  ****
>> *From:* Dan Bartley []
>> *Sent:* Monday, March 05, 2012 2:46 PM
>> *To:* NT System Admin Issues
>> *Subject:* RE: Win 8 CP - Initial thoughts?****
>>  ****
>> I have to say my initial reaction is good for tabs. Like John, I can’t
>> wait to see some of the new tablets. ****
>>  ****
>> As for Enterprise, I don’t see Win8 making its mark if it stays the
>> current course. In fact I have a feeling it will go the way of Vista in the
>> Enterprise. It is too limiting and non-intuitive. It requires a complete
>> retraining for users and very few IT people have the time for that. The CP
>> also lacks some key domain support at the moment, such as in the printer
>> and file sharing areas, so maybe next version I will change my mind. Then
>> again, they really ditched the enterprise in Windows Phone in my opinion,
>> so maybe they won’t improve on that.****
>>  ****
>> Best Regards,
>> Dan Bartley****
>> ~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
>> ~ <>  ~
>> ---
>> To manage subscriptions click here:
>> or send an email to
>> with the body: unsubscribe ntsysadmin****
>> --
>> "On two occasions...I have been asked, 'Pray, Mr Babbage, if you put into
>> the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out?' I am not able
>> rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such
>> a question."
>> This document should be read only by those persons to whom it is
>> addressed. If you have received this message it was obviously addressed to
>> you and therefore you can read it, even it we didn't mean to send it to
>> you. However, if the contents of this email make no sense whatsoever then
>> you probably were not the intended recipient, or, alternatively, you are a
>> mindless cretin; either way, you should immediately kill yourself and
>> destroy your computer (not necessarily in that order). Once you have taken
>> this action, please contact us.. no, sorry, you can't use your computer,
>> because you just destroyed it, and possibly also committed suicide
>> afterwards, but I am starting to digress...... *****
>> *The originator of this email is not liable for the transmission of the
>> information contained in this communication. Or are they? Either way it's a
>> pretty dull legal query and frankly one I'm not going to dwell on. But
>> should you have nothing better to do, please feel free to ruminate on it,
>> and please pass on any concrete conclusions should you find them. However,
>> if you pass them on via email, be sure to include a disclaimer regarding
>> liability for transmission.*****
>> *In the event that the originator did not send this email to you, then
>> please return it to us and attach a scanned-in picture of your mother's
>> brother's wife wearing nothing but a kangaroo suit, and we will immediately
>> refund you exactly half of what you paid for the can of Whiskas you bought
>> when you went to Pets At Home yesterday. *****
>> *We take no responsibility for non-receipt of this email because we are
>> running Exchange 5.5 and everyone knows how glitchy that can be. In the
>> event that you do get this message then please note that we take no
>> responsibility for that either. Nor will we accept any liability, tacit or
>> implied, for any damage you may or may not incur as a result of receiving,
>> or not, as the case may be, from time to time, notwithstanding all
>> liabilities implied or otherwise, ummm, hell, where was I...umm, no matter
>> what happens, it is NOT, and NEVER WILL BE, OUR FAULT! *****
>> *The comments and opinions expressed herein are my own and NOT those of
>> my employer, who, if he knew I was sending emails and surfing the seamier
>> side of the Internet, would cut off my manhood and feed it to me for
>> afternoon tea. *****
>> ** **
>> ~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
>> ~ <>  ~
>> ---
>> To manage subscriptions click here:
>> or send an email to
>> with the body: unsubscribe ntsysadmin****
>> ~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
>> ~ <>  ~
>> ---
>> To manage subscriptions click here:
>> or send an email to
>> with the body: unsubscribe ntsysadmin****
>> ~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
>> ~ <>  ~
>> ---
>> To manage subscriptions click here:
>> or send an email to
>> with the body: unsubscribe ntsysadmin****
>> ~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
>> ~ <>  ~
>> ---
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>> or send an email to
>> with the body: unsubscribe ntsysadmin
> --
> "On two occasions...I have been asked, 'Pray, Mr Babbage, if you put into
> the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out?' I am not able
> rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such
> a question."
> This document should be read only by those persons to whom it is
> addressed. If you have received this message it was obviously addressed to
> you and therefore you can read it, even it we didn't mean to send it to
> you. However, if the contents of this email make no sense whatsoever then
> you probably were not the intended recipient, or, alternatively, you are a
> mindless cretin; either way, you should immediately kill yourself and
> destroy your computer (not necessarily in that order). Once you have taken
> this action, please contact us.. no, sorry, you can't use your computer,
> because you just destroyed it, and possibly also committed suicide
> afterwards, but I am starting to digress...... *
> * The originator of this email is not liable for the transmission of the
> information contained in this communication. Or are they? Either way it's a
> pretty dull legal query and frankly one I'm not going to dwell on. But
> should you have nothing better to do, please feel free to ruminate on it,
> and please pass on any concrete conclusions should you find them. However,
> if you pass them on via email, be sure to include a disclaimer regarding
> liability for transmission.
> *
> * In the event that the originator did not send this email to you, then
> please return it to us and attach a scanned-in picture of your mother's
> brother's wife wearing nothing but a kangaroo suit, and we will immediately
> refund you exactly half of what you paid for the can of Whiskas you bought
> when you went to Pets** ** At Home yesterday. *
> * We take no responsibility for non-receipt of this email because we are
> running Exchange 5.5 and everyone knows how glitchy that can be. In the
> event that you do get this message then please note that we take no
> responsibility for that either. Nor will we accept any liability, tacit or
> implied, for any damage you may or may not incur as a result of receiving,
> or not, as the case may be, from time to time, notwithstanding all
> liabilities implied or otherwise, ummm, hell, where was I...umm, no matter
> what happens, it is NOT, and NEVER WILL BE, OUR FAULT! *
> * The comments and opinions expressed herein are my own and NOT those of
> my employer, who, if he knew I was sending emails and surfing the seamier
> side of the Internet, would cut off my manhood and feed it to me for
> afternoon tea. *
> ~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
> ~ <>  ~
> ---
> To manage subscriptions click here:
> or send an email to
> with the body: unsubscribe ntsysadmin

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~ <>  ~

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