With a virulence approaching hate, yes (Windows 9x and NT machines networked
via Chameleon-NFS were my intro to Windows networking).
Want to watch Explorer go BOOM on opening a folder?  Play with permissions
on the Unix NFS host for a folder, then connect to it over Chameleon NFS.
If the permissions arenĀ¹t exactly write, Explorer crashes on loading the

On 2/19/08 2:21 PM, "Eric E Eskam" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> James Edwards <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 02/19/2008 02:33:43 PM:
>> > The old foggies on the list might remember back to the pre-Windows days
>> > when PC's ran DOS and the majority of viruses and worms were on the
>> > Macintosh. Anyone remember "Worm Food"???
> 1)  That was a different version of the Mac OS then the OS X
> 2)  PC's still had more viri
> 3)  A free little program by the name of Disinfectant pretty much put a stop
> to new viruses on the Mac in the mid 90's.  Sure there were still new ones,
> but nothing like the late 80's/early 90's
> You tended to see more widespread virus issues with Mac's since with AppleTalk
> built in, Mac's tended to be networked far earlier then their PC brethren
> (remember LANtastic or Windows for Warehouses, ARCnet, and paying for TCP/IP
> on PC's?!?) 
> Eric Eskam
> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
> The contents of this message are mine personally and do not reflect any
> position of the U.S. Government
> "The human mind treats a new idea the same way the body treats a strange
> protein; it rejects it."
> -  P. B. Medawar 

Salvador Manzo  [ 620 W. 35th St - Los Angeles, CA 90089  e. [EMAIL PROTECTED] ]
Auxiliary Services IT, Datacenter
University of Southern California

~ Upgrade to Next Generation Antispam/Antivirus with Ninja!    ~
~ <http://www.sunbelt-software.com/SunbeltMessagingNinja.cfm>  ~

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