Guys: help me out with this: 

I have a Win2k3 Server connected to SAN with two LUNs of 250 GB each hosting 
some shares. Now, I need to migrate it over to newer, better faster servers.

My understanding is that I should proceed the following:

1. e current WWNs of server Shutdown file server
2. Ask my SAN administrator to assign new WWNs of new server to same storage as 
old server.
3. restart new server (which already has OS etc. etc. installed)
4. Scan for disks if none is shown, Once disks are visible simply initialize 
them, data will not be destroyed, assign the drive letter
5. Now if I go by \\newservername\sharenames, I should be able to browse all 
the previous shares... 

Is my understanding correct? Have you done this sort of migration in the past? 
Please advice me what are the likely issues because after this tiny move, I 
will have to move a lot more file servers. 


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