If a user is added to a security group they will always need to log off before 
they get the new security token and be a member of that group. As far as I know 
there is no way around that.

----- Original Message ----
From: Mike French <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: NT System Admin Issues <ntsysadmin@lyris.sunbelt-software.com>
Sent: Thursday, May 8, 2008 3:56:04 PM
Subject: RE: NTFS Permissions

1) was the user added to the group _during the current login session_,
or before the current login session.

- Yes they did not log off to refresh the session.

2) are there any explicit DENY entries in place?

- None (I kept it a simple as possible)

3) what does Effective Permissions return for the user account?

- I should have done this.... I'll check this out.

1.  have a user in that managers group, log off and log back on to
ensure they get the new security token.

- A correlation with #1 far above... This makes sense but sucks... I
assume M$ has a refresh interval... I'll google... 

I bet the Token Refresh is the culprit here.  

2. If #1 doesn't solve it, recreate the group as a domain local security

- I tried it both ways, no love...

-----Original Message-----
From: Andy Shook [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, May 08, 2008 2:49 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: NTFS Permissions

Two thoughts...

1.  have a user in that managers group, log off and log back on to
ensure they get the new security token.
2. If #1 doesn't solve it, recreate the group as a domain local security

-----Original Message-----
From: Mike French [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, May 08, 2008 3:08 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: NTFS Permissions

I have an issue with my file server and NTFS permissions. I checked the
"Shared Permissions" and they are Domain Admins Full control and Doman
Users Change. 
The structure is simple: \\FileServer\Shared\Managers

In AD I created a Global group called "Managers" and added the
appropriate users to the group. Now back over to the file server I add
the "Managers" group to the Managers folder NTFS permissions, gave them
"Full Control" and the permissions inherited down through the child
folders. Now when I go to a user's machine who is a member of the
"Managers" group and try to access the Managers folder "Access is
denied"? They can get through the "Shared" directory so I don't think
its "Share Permissions". If I configure the NTFS permissions explicitly
for each user it works? Maybe replication? Folder owner problems? I've
been googling and haven't run into anything that fits the bill.

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