The hardware OEMs want Microsoft to dump XP so folks will be forced into
buying new Vista-supporting hardware? If that's true, perhaps they
should've thought of that prior to playing such a significant role in
the struggles Vista has been having.

Vista wasn't perfect out of the gate, but it's not the piece of junk
people think it is, either. A huge reason Vista has a negative image is
that the hardware OEMs have been releasing buggy drivers for it--if they
released drivers for it at all--and have been shipping Vista computers
that either don't have enough horsepower or are bloated with crapware or
bad drivers (or all three). It all adds up to a bad experience for
users, and the OS gets the blame.

John Hornbuckle
MIS Department
Taylor County School District
318 North Clark Street
Perry, FL 32347

-----Original Message-----
From: Angus Scott-Fleming [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Saturday, May 10, 2008 10:20 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Why XP is doomed

Interesting analysis from Cringely.  As always, "follow the money" ...

------- Included Stuff Follows -------
I, Cringely . The Pulpit . Wimpy | PBS


    Several readers are concerned about Microsoft's decision to stop
    Windows XP and -- most importantly -- end security updates for the 
    venerable operating system. This has everything to do with business
    nothing at all to do with technology. Wearing my business reporter's

    fedora, then, I'll point you back a week or so to Microsoft's most
    earnings announcement, which disappointed Wall Street. This is
    because it is hard to find a Wall Street analyst who remembers the
    time Microsoft's earnings were disappointing. It simply doesn't
    That's because Microsoft has a myriad of tools for adjusting the
    to look just right.

    Because Microsoft has so many tools for fine-tuning its financials 
    (primarily the management of expenses, by the way -- Microsoft makes
    much money that it tunes the numbers by throwing cash away), the
fact that 
    this last set of numbers disappointed suggests to me that they, too,
    have been avoided. Microsoft probably decided to deliberately take
    earnings hit precisely so they could play the "we have to get the
    up" card to justify the final death of XP.

    Microsoft has been under huge pressure from its hardware OEMs to
dump XP, 
    thus forcing millions of customers who have been avoiding Vista and 
    Vista's inevitable hardware upgrade to finally buy new computers.
    XP will help Dell and HP AND Microsoft, big-time. It won't do
anything for 
    you or me, though, since Vista still sucks, but we obviously don't

    Those customers who think they'll keep XP going on their own will
    be out of luck, too. With Microsoft abandoning security upgrades,
    will eat holes in the old OS practically overnight. And if one or
more of 
    the security companies like Symantec or McAfee think they can make a

    business out of defending XP, I simply doubt that customers will

--------- Included Stuff Ends ---------
Other topics also discussed in his column here:

~ Upgrade to Next Generation Antispam/Antivirus with Ninja!    ~
~ <>  ~

~ Upgrade to Next Generation Antispam/Antivirus with Ninja!    ~
~ <>  ~

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