Surely you could do this in XP with RunAs? Or has Vista implemented some
new-fangled, singing 'n dancing version of it?

-----Original Message-----
From: John Hornbuckle [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 11 May 2008 18:28
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Why XP is doomed

I like the extra security Vista provides. I also like that when my techs
work on users' machines, they can do things that require admin rights
without logging in with an admin account. It speeds up certain tasks

-----Original Message-----
From: Phillip Partipilo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, May 11, 2008 10:32 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Re: Why XP is doomed

The OS is just hosting the applications that I use to get my job done.  
XP is good enough for this task.  No reason whatsoever to upgrade.

Michael B. Smith wrote:
> Hah. I blogged on this just yesterday:
> on-vista.aspx
> And  no, I didn't read Cringely... I think it was something Paul
> wrote that was the "straw/camel's back" for me. I dunno, I read too
> things every day.
> Granted, I'm not the average user. Not even the average power user.
I've got
> physical machines that run XP, that run Vista, that run Server 2008,
> run Server 2003 - and believe it or not, one that runs Linux. And
> twice as many virtuals as I've got physicals.
> The market can't have it every way. Since XP was released, Microsoft
> been absolutely PUMMELLED by spam, by viruses, by worms, by lack of
> capabilities, by lack of software capabilities, etc. etc. etc.
> responded to what the market demanded, and Vista is the answer.
> Graphically, Vista is gorgeous - if you have the graphics horsepower
to make
> it happen. Vista provides software support for technologies that
> even conceived of when XP was released. The hardware support that
> provides makes it MUCH easier for the OS to NOT crash when there are
> bugs. Or bugs in any add-on product. And on and on and on.
> All of those things come at a cost - in memory and in processor.
> If you want a minimal version of Vista - go install Server 2008. See
> lean and mean it is. And how little it can do in the base
> Then, start adding the features and roles you require in order to get
to a
> workable desktop machine, and see how those changes impact
performance. In
> some ways, a desktop machine has to be more powerful than a server. It
> certainly has to have more "fluff".
> I'm not a Microsoft "rah rah" man. However, I'm well aware of where I
> my money - and that's based on Microsoft products. I criticize the
> machine on a daily basis - and I do it in public forums, such as this
> on my blog; and I do it in private forums, for betas (and even alphas)
> certain software that I take a particular interest in.
> Vista _IS_ sucky in some ways. And I've bugged those that affect me.
> example, even after SP1, wireless doesn't "just work" like it did in
> Many users have to reboot when switching wireless connections. For me,
> tech savvy enough to open a command prompt and do an "ipconfig
/renew". It's
> irritating.
> But does that mean that Vista is going away? Don't be silly. Even if
> hate Vista, it introduces many technologies that are part of the
future of
> computing. You need to learn it. It's the stepping stone to what comes
> Microsoft isn't abandoning Vista. They've made that clear too. Many
> have taken the fact that there is so much talk about Windows 7 already
> mean that Microsoft is abandoning Vista. The only reason that they can
> THAT claim is because they choose to ignore that Microsoft has also
> that "never again" will there be 5+ years between operating system
> It was simply too long, and Microsoft heard that message too.
> You don't have to get with the program. But you should. Time marches
on. And
> so does software - and hardware - and Microsoft.
> Regards,
> Michael B. Smith
> MCSE/Exchange MVP
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Martin Blackstone [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Saturday, May 10, 2008 10:44 AM
> To: NT System Admin Issues
> Subject: RE: Why XP is doomed
> MS's earnings were disappointing? Welcome to 2008. They can stand in
> with the other 80% of companies with the same problems.
> As for support, XP has been around since 2001 and mainstream support
> until Apr. 2009.
> That's a damn long life cycle for any software maker. This is the same
> whining that went on with Windows 98 and Windows 2000. I don't
remember the
> world ending in either case. Think about what other software was
released in
> 2001 and if it's still support. I wonder if Adobe still supports
> 6.0? I'll bet Apple still supports OSX 10.0.0, but Apple seems to be
> the rock star life these days.
> Now Ill also say I'm still a HUGE XP fan. I use XP at home on all my
> machines. My work machine is Vista and while I don't really dislike
it, it
> really doesn't do much for me either. But eventually the time will
come to
> upgrade, and I'm sure my world won't end either. The "Vista sucks"
thing has
> certainly taken on a life of its own. I would venture to guess that a
> large percentage of the people who say it sucks have never tried it.
> It doesn't totally suck, it's just....slightly sucky. Frankly if they
> just get it to perform better, it would be great.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Angus Scott-Fleming [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Saturday, May 10, 2008 7:20 AM
> To: NT System Admin Issues
> Subject: Why XP is doomed
> Interesting analysis from Cringely.  As always, "follow the money" ...
> ------- Included Stuff Follows -------
> I, Cringely . The Pulpit . Wimpy | PBS
>     ...
>     Several readers are concerned about Microsoft's decision to stop
>     Windows XP and -- most importantly -- end security updates for the

>     venerable operating system. This has everything to do with
business and 
>     nothing at all to do with technology. Wearing my business
>     fedora, then, I'll point you back a week or so to Microsoft's most
> recent 
>     earnings announcement, which disappointed Wall Street. This is
> significant 
>     because it is hard to find a Wall Street analyst who remembers the
>     time Microsoft's earnings were disappointing. It simply doesn't
>     That's because Microsoft has a myriad of tools for adjusting the
>     to look just right.
>     Because Microsoft has so many tools for fine-tuning its financials

>     (primarily the management of expenses, by the way -- Microsoft
makes so 
>     much money that it tunes the numbers by throwing cash away), the
> that 
>     this last set of numbers disappointed suggests to me that they,
> could 
>     have been avoided. Microsoft probably decided to deliberately take
>     earnings hit precisely so they could play the "we have to get the
> earnings 
>     up" card to justify the final death of XP.
>     Microsoft has been under huge pressure from its hardware OEMs to
> XP, 
>     thus forcing millions of customers who have been avoiding Vista
>     Vista's inevitable hardware upgrade to finally buy new computers.
> Dumping 
>     XP will help Dell and HP AND Microsoft, big-time. It won't do
> for 
>     you or me, though, since Vista still sucks, but we obviously don't
> matter.
>     Those customers who think they'll keep XP going on their own will
> probably 
>     be out of luck, too. With Microsoft abandoning security upgrades,
> hackers 
>     will eat holes in the old OS practically overnight. And if one or
> of 
>     the security companies like Symantec or McAfee think they can make
>     business out of defending XP, I simply doubt that customers will
> --------- Included Stuff Ends ---------
> Other topics also discussed in his column here:
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