> -----Original Message-----
> Subject: RE: Citrix question
> The UPD works for about 80-90 percent of printing issues.

It is actually designed for 95% functionality.  I have yet to find anyone
who uses the UPD who has problems with it.  BUT - there are thousands of
printing devices and I obviously haven't worked with them all.

> You
> can use PnAgent, Web Client or Full PN client for both PS 4 and PS 4.5.
> Citrix is discouraging using the full PN client and moving people to
> PNAgent or Web Client.

According to my dealing with Citrix tech Support, fewer than 5% of installs
do not use the Web Interface exclusively.  I have worked on well over 100
Citrix farms and have never met anyone using PNAgent in production.  Some
will test it or play around with it, but no one that I have worked with uses
it in production.


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