Sounds an awful lot like a "hostile work environment" to me. 

-----Original Message-----
From: Nikki Peterson - OETX [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, August 18, 2008 14:13 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: After-hours work

They keep their own records (see example of paycheck). I have spoken with HR of 
whom ALL agree, the rules are subject to Management interpretation.

Yes, I have a valid suit. What a pain-in-the-butt. If I were to bring suit, I'd 
be poison. I'd win and then what?

BTW, my boss found out I talked with HR and the next time I got my review, 
which has been outstanding for 10 years, I received a "Not a team player" mark. 
Why? I was asked to help in a problem that another tech spent a month screwing 
with, the client was getting ansy, I stepped in solved it in two weeks 
(including having a patch written by MS for the solution within 4 weeks). 
Apparently when I sent the information to the tech that couldn't solve it, he 
didn't understand it. He complained that I was too technical. He is higher on 
the totem pole than myself, and I sent him a synopsis accompanied by all the 
supporting links to articles that led up to the solution. It was too much 
reading for him. Here I was thinking that he would appreciate an explanation 
for future understanding. Did I mention, he is my boss's drinking buddy? My 
boss literally wrote on my review that I was too technical. I objected and 
pointed out that we are the highest IT department and my peers are considered 
the highest technical employees.

I really don't think I am alone in this situation. 

-----Original Message-----
From: Jim McAtee [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, August 18, 2008 10:50 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Re: After-hours work

> This is totally up to my management.

Legally, it's not.  Keep very detailed records.  You may have a very nice 
lawsuit to file.

An exempt employee is not paid an hourly wage.  If you're punching a clock 
and being docked on an hourly basis for time away from the job, then by 
all practical (and I'd bet, legal, purposes) you're being paid an hourly 
wage.  That would make you non-exempt.

I'd speek to a good labor attorney.  You may be able to cash in on these 
jackasses.  You might even get that boss fired if it ends up costing the 
company tens of thousands for yourself and everyone else in the 

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Nikki Peterson - OETX" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "NT System Admin Issues" <>
Sent: Monday, August 18, 2008 8:41 AM
Subject: RE: After-hours work

> Currently I am classified as “Exempt”. Description of “Exempt” as 
> understood by my manager is as follows:
> - Pay based on 2 weeks
> - 1 week every month I am on-call 24/7
> - 2nd Saturday after Patch Tuesday, I am here to patch our servers and 
> any extra maint for 8 hours
> - On average, I work at least a 1 over every day.
> - If I have a Dr. appointment or need to leave a bit early, I am forced 
> to use my PTO (vacation)
> - FMLA (sick time) only if I am sick for 3+ days, and I need a Dr. note.
> Example of my time card:
> - 89 hours worked during the regular days
> - 5 hours worked for Patching/Maint Saturday
> - 2 hours PTO charged against me (had to leave early for family 
> emergency)
> - On call
> o My paycheck shows:
>  78 hours Regular Pay
>  16 hours No-Pay (these are the extra stuff)
>  2 hours deducted for PTO
>  No mention of on call
> This is totally up to my management. Some of the guys in Telecom have a 
> great boss, he lets them leave early if an emergency happens and he will 
> not reflect it on their time cards. He knows they work hard and long and 
> the County gets much more than they pay for.
> We are 4 positions down and unable to fill them at the price we offer. I 
> have been doing 2 desks now for the last year and a half.
> Instead of receiving praise for keeping up and hanging in there. I have 
> a boss that comes in from a meeting, announcing to everyone that “No one 
> leaves until the whatever he just promised in his last meeting is done. 
> My boss is a self-serving  jerk. He takes time with the blessing of his 
> boss, but then insists that he must follow the rules for us to be fair. 
> The biggest problem is that he will give a break to the one fellow he 
> drinks with.
> I think it is time for IT based Unions...
> This used to be fun but now it sucks. 

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