September 15, ABC News - (International) Large Hadron Collider's hacker
infiltration highlights vulnerabilities. Though the Large Hadron
Collider's infiltration by hackers did not disrupt the historic project,
experts warn that its computer systems are vulnerable. Shortly after
physicists activated the Collider on Wednesday, hackers identifying
themselves as Group 2600 of the Greek Security Team accessed computers
connected to the Compact Muon Solenoid detector, one of four key
subsystems responsible for monitoring the collisions of protons speeding
around the 18-mile track near Geneva, Switzerland. A few scientists had
worried that the experiment could inadvertently create a
planet-swallowing black hole. Physicists called this impossible, or at
least extraordinarily unlikely. But the hack raises a different sort of
worst-case scenario: the largest and most complicated science experiment
in history, intended to reveal basic information about the composition
of matter, derailed by malevolent intruders. The LHC experiments have
very complex computer systems for data recording and analysis and even
more sensitive systems for experiment control, trigger and data
acquisition," said an MIT physicist and Collider collaborator. "You
could imagine that penetrating the 'real time domain' could have
catastrophic consequences." Source:

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