1. Run gpresult from the users command prompt.
2. Load the GPO Tool and run it from the users system.
3. RSoP


On Thu, Sep 25, 2008 at 11:57 AM, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  Good afternoon,
> Is there a way to determine the exact Group Policies that are affecting a
> particular user once they are logged in?
> We are running a 2003 domain, and our users are accessing a 2003 Terminal
> Server.  They are trying to use a Xytech Schedule.  They can run the
> program, see the data, and make changes, but they can not print.  When I
> login to my TS account (I am domain admin), and login to Xytech with a user
> account, it works fine for me.  I added one of our users to the
> Administrators and domain admin groups to test.  If they log in (belonging
> to the same groups as me), and access Xytech with a user account, they can
> not print.  They get "Error:114 Report not found".
> I verified we are both running the same EXE to run the program.  It exists
> on the local E:\ drive.
> I'm thinking one of us is inheriting (or not inheriting) a permission from
> somewhere, but I can't find it.
> Any other ideas?
> Thanks!
> Eric Brouwer
> IT Manager
> Forest Post Productions
> (248) 855-4333

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