Its not an exact science unfortunately, as they do something to the
fields to make your searches very fuzzy.  But for instance, to catch
most "blog" related links, you can do this:

   Has the words: "blogs." OR "/blogs/"

This will catch all domains who's URL start with the subdomain of
"blogs.", as well as catch any domain URLs that have "/blogs/" in the
directory portion of the address.

For catching KB type article information, I do this:

   Has the words: "CTX??????" OR "" OR
"" OR "" OR "KB??????"

Now as I said this isnt as exact a matching as you might want to
assume.  Google currently does not allow specific matching against
non-alphabetical text. But the text's placement next to eachother is
still good enough to get your the right matches.  In fuzzy searching,
I still implicitly trust Google to get it right in the end.

Also, I dont even think that the "KB??????" is valid anymore, but I
havent had the time to bother with verifying that.  It doesn't break
anything still having it in there, so cest la vie.


On Fri, Sep 26, 2008 at 10:32 AM,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> "Micheal Espinola Jr" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 09/26/2008
> 10:27:27 AM:
>> I pretty much do the same, but I don't delete.  That way if I ever
>> have to search for something, its all there as a resource - earmarked
>> as important/relevant if its something I've already read.
>> When I fall behind, I will just mark everything past a certain point as
>> read.
>> Also, within Gmail, I have all sotrs of filters that apply additional
>> labels to messages automatically.  Like, if a thread contains KB links
>> or to blogs that I know will have *good* information in them.
> How do you set a GMail filter to examine the body of a message for a link? I
> presume it will include some sort of regex operation to identify those types
> of links?


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