At a former employer, they had attachments delayed with suspicious titles
for a number of hours (especially anything dealing with their pending
merger)This allowed the admins to review the quarantined email before it was

This was done on the Anti-spam solution..

On Tue, Oct 21, 2008 at 11:00 AM, Oliver Marshall <

>  Hi chaps,
> We've had a case this week of a client who found out a user, who is in the
> process of being let go, had emailed out to their personal gmail account a
> copy of all the internal documents, logos, process diagrams, etc. The user
> is now undergoing disciplinary action and facing possible legal action.
> However, while it's almost impossible to prevent a user from emailing a
> document out if they really want to, companies are obliged to have a policy
> in place requiring them not to doing so, and here in the UK that policy has
> to be seen to be implemented and enforced if it is to be referred to in any
> action.
> We've suggested a proper compliance level archival service in order to
> allow for emails to be restored even when users delete emails from their
> machines (and their recoverable deleted items in this case). Elsewhere we
> have used similar services to also report on certain file types, file names
> and sizes of files being sent, and use them to bounce emails under certain
> conditions. Bouncing certain emails, while a very limited short-stick, does
> allow for the policy to be seen to be in place if people are as silly as to
> send out documents with certain names etc (like Accounts2008.xls etc).
> What do other companies do to help either prevent people sending docs out,
> or to cover themselves legally should they have to take action against a
> user for doing so, or to highlight when a user is doing so?
> Olly
> --
> G2 Support
> Network Support : Online Backups : Server Management
> Web:

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