Well, isn't it obvious that the government isn't helping them enough?  
Eventually the US government will HAVE to buy Detroit.

Tim Vander Kooi wrote:
> For some of us, the irony is on the fact that those who live in the most 
> socialist parts of our country never seem to be able to figure out why the 
> economy is so much worse in their area in comparison to other parts of the 
> US. (i.e. - MI, MA, RI)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Micheal Espinola Jr [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2008 2:21 PM
> To: NT System Admin Issues
> Subject: OT: Re: So... how is the recession affecting your buying decisions?
> roflwaffes.
> Our economy is already well socialized at the state and federal
> levels. Edging it to be more (hopefully only for a short term) or less
> for the welfare of a very hurting country is not necessarily a bad
> thing - for the good of the country.  Not that you are, but to brand
> him a socialist, or any ideas he is pushing as "socialism", is silly
> IMO.  Our economy is a blend of capitalist and socialist ideals.
> --
> ME2
> On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 2:32 PM,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Probably not a great day to retort on this, but you will either agree or
>> hunt me down..
>> 2009 is going to be a bad year in the economy.   You don't bounce back from
>> a trillion dollar globalwide investment loss, the largest downslide in the
>> economy in over 70 years and a huge unemployment number..
>> I also don't care who is the President, they are not going to fix our
>> problem.  The president is a part of the checks and balances when it comes
>> to the bills congress puts through, and yes he has an agenda and will push
>> it with Congress;  making it harder or easier to pass bills..Good or BAD.
>> I can also tell you that I will be voting for McCain for  the simple fact
>> that Obama is moving this country toward a socialized economy no matter how
>> you dress up the words.  He wants to increase the taxes for me as a business
>> owner and redistribute it in the form of higher taxes and a bloated
>> government.  Not to mention his provision for bring in illegals and giving
>> them a driver license, benefits, social security(Which who will pay for
>> that? You and I that's who).  The welfare system kicked into high gear.....I
>> did not work my butt off 60 to 70 hours a week to have someone who wants to
>> sit on their butt for a year and take 60% welfare checks because McDonalds
>> doesn't pay as much... among other personal value decisions..
>> If you have worked hard and saved you should not be penalized and your
>> wealth redistributed simply because someone does not have as much.  The very
>> essence of this country was built upon hardwork and ingenuity, those who
>> don't want to work and work hard are not entitled to the benefits of wealth
>> from those that do.  Also provide 100% healthcare..A noble goal, but the
>> reality is that 100% healthcare is universal socialization and everyone
>> paying a large piece to redistribute to everyone else who doesn't and the
>> quality of care drops.  Look at France...They pay CSG and CDRS(Healthcare,
>> Social Security) taxes against their income and then their tax bracket after
>> those taxes is up to 50%, this can equate to 60%+ of your income to taxes...
>> Oh and to further my soapbox, One of the largest reasons we are where we are
>> is a lack of personal responsibility (Mostly Wall Street and the Banks being
>> greedy and making bad business decisions) and then demanding that our
>> government pay for the mistakes of business owners, people who buy homes and
>> cars we had no business buying, and saying, "Save me, I am a stupid person
>> who takes no responsibility or my actions, but I will vote for whoever is
>> going to promise me everything."
>> Remember this.  "A Government large enough to give you everything you want,
>> is a government large enough to take everything you have." -- Henry Ford
>> Ok off soapbox, back to regularly scheduled tech support.
>> From: Benjamin Zachary - Lists [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> Sent: Wednesday, October 29, 2008 12:37 PM
>> To: NT System Admin Issues
>> Subject: RE: So... how is the recession affecting your buying decisions?
>> The college educational system which has grown by 440% in costs should be
>> able to not be cutting budgets. IMO
>> I think no matter who the President is everything will be better afterwards,
>> whether we get the big spender and everyone sells stuff to the govt and we
>> can cut out healthcare and use the govt's system to save money, or the cost
>> saver gets in and it goes back to business as usual.
>> Bush isn't going to do anything between now and then so that's probably why
>> everything is topsy turvey, home sales went up last month for the first time
>> so I think the end of the skid is coming to a close. (Thank God)
>> On this end, I have seen a noticeable drop off in business, as a consultant,
>> however, nothing worse than usual as the end of year is coming up and all
>> the holidays, usually November/December are slow and I get a couple of big
>> projects with the downtime, so we will see if I get those approved.
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