Recently all our Apple computers (10.4 and 10.5) are unable to browse the
shares of our Windows 2003 domain which was working grate for a couple
years. Two of these machines are bound to the domain and the others are
owned by interns. I've double checked that the Domain Controller Security
Policy: Microsoft Network Server: digitally Sign Communications (always) is
set to Disabled and double checked the corresponding registry value also
set. DNS and reverses seem to be working just fine as I can ping to and from
the server from a Mac and resolve IP's on both ends. The event logs in
Windows don't indicate anything wrong. The console on my test Mac shows
mount_smbfs: negotiate phase failed: syserr = Connection Refused, in which
the resultant Googling sends me back to the digitally signed policy.


If I use smbclient on the command line I can connect to the server and list
files. Trying to connect to the server using the finder gives me The alias
could not be opened. etc.


The people using the Mac's can't narrow it down to when this happened, only
saying it's been like this for a couple weeks "they think". I'm wondering if
this is a side effect of the MS08-067 (out of band) patch released. Looking
for ideas from people, or a good Win/Mac/AD list.


Mike Gill


~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~ <>  ~

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