IT folks are notorious for not liking meetings.

Our department is nine members - we've split the staff into the
business systems team and the infrastructure team. We have a Wednesday
departmental meeting, which the IT Director has managed to pare down
to approximately 1/2 hour. That meeting covers news of the business as
a whole, plus anything that is going on in the department that might
impact others. No set agenda.

I have also instituted, as the newly christened Supervisor for the IF
team (promoted in October, yea for me), a regular Friday afternoon
meeting (13:00) for me and my three charges. It is slated to last a
full hour, but is often over before that. However, I plan on
introducing instruction and demos at this meeting - I'll be requiring
each member to come up with a topic, in rotation. I figure it'll be
good for them, and I might learn something too.


On Tue, Nov 11, 2008 at 5:29 AM, Chyka, Robert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> Right now we have the most boring meetings for our IT Dept.  We have weekly
> meetings with 15 members of our staff in them from the CIO to lower level
> techs and everyone in between.  We fill out an agenda with what we are
> working on etc.  The meeting lasts forever and the DBAs don't want to hear
> what the Network guys are doing and the techs don't want to hear what the
> systems guys are doing etc. etc.  just awful meetings and nothing gets
> accomplished.  We were told since we don't like the meetings and they are
> highly ineffective to come up with a better way to hold them.  I was
> thinking about every 2 weeks have the CIO meet with the management in each
> division together so we still know what is going on with the "team".  Every
> week is way too often and doesn't give enough time to report on completed
> projects etc.
> I was wondering how dept. meetings are held at your places of employment for
> the IT dept.
> Thanks..BC

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