Dear all,

  We have a NFS filesystem imported from a Windows machine and a Linux machine. 
  If we create a text file called "test.txt" from Linux with "content 1" and 
then create afterwards a file called "TEST.txt" from Linux with "content 2", if 
you try to open any of those files from the Windows machine, it will show both 
of them with "content 1".

  If I try to open "TEST.txt" from the linux box, it reports that this file 
doesn't exist, although I can see from the Windows box.

  This come from a test trying to perform a Netbackup restore of NFS 
filesystems in a Linux box. The restore is not case sensitive so any file that 
is lower case or upper case is restored as one single file. The reason why we 
are using Linux to perform the restore is because our Netbackup server is Linux 
and would require to perform restores from client machines the requirement of 
performing netbackup restores from Windows machines.

  I hope I have explained myself well




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