On Tue, Dec 23, 2008 at 5:22 AM, Miller Bonnie L.
<mille...@mukilteo.wednet.edu> wrote:
> Greetings to all from the snowy, and today icy, Seattle area.  Made it in to
> work again with the 4x4—I might actually have learned how to drive in the
> snow by the time this is all over with.  Vacation starts tomorrow J

I've been on vacation since the 12th, and I'm here to tell you that
tire chains are the way to go.

I may only drive 20mph on a 40mph road, but I get there safe and
sound, unlike so many folks, whose cars I've seen stranded along roads
in Kenmore, Lake Forest Park, and other spots not so far from you,

I needed chains just to get out of my driveway - today I'm going to
take my square shovel and do some digging, 'cause I've got guests
coming over this evening.


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