Thanks for the feedback Ben.

On Wed, Jan 7, 2009 at 8:02 PM, Ben Scott <> wrote:

> On Wed, Jan 7, 2009 at 3:54 PM, Eric Wittersheim
> <> wrote:
> > Is there anyway to enforce a limit (Windows Server 2000
> > and 2003) on the length of file names?
>   Not that I know of.  If you find one, let me know, 'cause I got the
> same problem in different ways.
>  Part of the problem is that not all parts of Windows have the same
> path/file name length limits.  Reportedly NTFS itself and the innards
> of the NT kernel can handle names on the order of thousands of
> characters long, but that's mainly academic because the higher-level
> stuff falls apart much earlier.  The Win32 subsystem (which
> practically everything uses) is limited to 255 characters, I believe.
> Vital system components -- like Windows Explorer and the shell
> libraries -- seem to have even shorter limits.
>  One of my favorites is users creating files in their local profile
> that work just fine, but then the roaming profile sync code pukes
> trying to sync back to the server.  (Though I haven't seen that in a
> while; it may have been fixed in XP SP2.)
>  Another part of the problem is that path name lengths can vary
> depending on how the system is "seeing" a file.  For example, if I
> have C:\Company\Shared\Quality\Public\QMSDocs on the server shared as
> QMSDocs, and the workstations map that share as drive Q:, and then
> there's
> Q:\some\really\absurdly\ridiculously\ludicrously\long\path\name\to\a\file.doc,
> then it may be okay for the mapped path on the workstation, but on the
> server it will be
> C:\Company\Shared\Quality\Public\QMSDocs\some\really\absurdly\ridiculously\ludicrously\long\path\name\to\a\file.doc
> which pushes Explorer over the limit.  Result?  You can access the
> files from Explorer on a workstation, but not Explorer on the server.
>  The filesystems typically used on CDs and DVDs have their own limits
> which are different from all of the above.  So one thing that may help
> the CD archive scenario is to put all the files into an archive format
> which handles really long file names, like 7-Zip's .7z format.
> -- Ben
> ~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
> ~ <>  ~

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~ <>  ~

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