When nslookup (your DNS server) disagrees with ping (your local box), it sounds 
like a host file configuration somewhere.  Did you setup a static host entry 
for testing at one time and leave it on this one machine?


-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Gill [mailto:lis...@canbyfoursquare.com] 
Sent: Thursday, February 12, 2009 4:11 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: nslookup and ping disagree

I have an odd problem with a Windows Vista client (2008 domain) that can't 
resolve a website properly. Pinging the site from other machines on the same 
network and outside of the network shows the website at the correct address. 
Running nslookup on the problem machine and any other machine on the network 
shows the correct address. But pinging the site, or browsing to the website on 
the problem machine shows the old address switched away from months ago. I've 
tried flushing the DNS, cleaning browser caches, creating new user profiles, 
etc. I've tried enabling only the DC as the name server with no secondary, then 
reflushing... I can't find where the old IP is being resolved from. When the 
site was first moved, we had this problem with just the wireless clients (which 
this is) but it cleared itself out in a couple days before I had a chance to 
really look into it. It appears there is one machine left still that can't get 
it right. ipconfig shows the same info as any other workstation wired or 
wireless. Any suggestions?


Mike Gill




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