On 16 Feb 2009 at 13:24, Micheal Espinola Jr  wrote:

> And Dunkin' Donuts coffee used to be even better was still just local
> New England.  It aint nearly as good as it used to be.

+1 ... we used to enjoy DD's French Roast, but IMHO their quality suffered a 
lot recently.

We currently buy our beans from a local roaster.  Starbucks became the 
McDonald's of coffee years ago IMHO. When they started opening SB stands inside 
Target and Safeway that really put the icing on the cake.

Haven't tried McD's upscale coffees yet.

That said, when we're travelling if we can't find a local shop we'll settle for 

Angus Scott-Fleming
GeoApps, Tucson, Arizona

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