>From userenv.log:

USERENV(300.7c8) 16:26:21:437 ProcessGPOs:
USERENV(300.7c8) 16:26:21:437 ProcessGPOs:
USERENV(300.7c8) 16:26:21:437 ProcessGPOs: Processing extension
USERENV(300.7c8) 16:26:21:437 ReadStatus: Read Extension's
Previous status successfully.
USERENV(300.7c8) 16:26:21:437 CompareGPOLists:  One list is empty
USERENV(300.7c8) 16:26:21:437 ProcessGPOList: Entering for
extension Wireless
USERENV(300.7c8) 16:26:21:437 MachinePolicyCallback: Setting
status UI to Applying Wireless policy...
USERENV(300.7c8) 16:26:21:437 GetWbemServices: CoCreateInstance
USERENV(300.7c8) 16:26:21:453 ConnectToNameSpace: ConnectServer
returned 0x0
USERENV(300.7c8) 16:26:21:468 LogExtSessionStatus: Successfully
logged Extension Session data
USERENV(300.7c8) 16:26:22:515 ProcessGPOList: Extension Wireless
returned 0x201b.
USERENV(300.7c8) 16:26:22:515 ProcessGPOList: Extension Wireless
doesn't support rsop logging
USERENV(300.7c8) 16:26:22:531 ProcessGPOs: Extension Wireless
ProcessGroupPolicy failed, status 0x201b.
USERENV(300.7c8) 16:26:22:531 ProcessGPOs:
USERENV(300.7c8) 16:26:22:531 ProcessGPOs:

Anyone seen this before?  I'm trying to use a GPO to assign a
pair of wireless profiles to an XP SP3 client.  I'm getting a
bubble that says "Windows was unable to find a certificate to log
you on to the network ______ (fill in SSID here)"  Event ID 1085
from Userenv is being logged: "The Group Policy client-side
extension Wireless failed to execute. Please look for any errors
reported earlier by that extension."  There are no earlier

My Googles are failing me today.  Any ideas?


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