They make a nice minigun
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Eldridge, Dave 
  To: NT System Admin Issues 
  Sent: Thursday, March 12, 2009 11:39 AM
  Subject: RE: OT - Cool Site


   here too Z.

  I could go on and on about GE. L





  From: Ziots, Edward [] 
  Sent: Thursday, March 12, 2009 9:32 AM
  To: NT System Admin Issues
  Subject: RE: OT - Cool Site


  Yes Bob, 


  IN other areas than Healthcare they got some really good stuff. The MRI 
machines are probably from GE I know we got a boat load of them at the hospital 
here. But in healthcare with there applications and services they really 
haven't gotten there heads out of there arses in years, and it seems to only be 
getting worse.




  Edward Ziots

  Network Engineer

  Lifespan Organization

  MCSE,MCSA,MCP+I, ME, CCA, Security +, Network +



  From: Free, Bob [] 
  Sent: Wednesday, March 11, 2009 5:11 PM
  To: NT System Admin Issues
  Subject: RE: OT - Cool Site


  >GE=General Enigma


  Depends on your perspective.


  Maybe they aren't so hot in healthcare but back in day I used to work in the 
large electrical equipment world they were by far the best. Granted that was a 
long time ago J


  Currently they are a leader in the whole smartgrid technology so I give them 
a lot of props for that. A little intelligence and efficiency beats the heck 
out of building more coal guzzling CO2 emitters. I'm getting my SmartMeters any 
day now and I can't wait. The last idiot[1] who read my meters made a mistake 
on the gas reading and my bill tripled for February.  


  [1] idiot = me as I read my own meter L


  OTOH, maybe I should check what kind of machine my last MRI was on before I 
let that doctor jab the needle in my neck Monday..LOL


  From: Ziots, Edward [] 
  Sent: Wednesday, March 11, 2009 10:04 AM
  To: NT System Admin Issues
  Subject: RE: OT - Cool Site


  Too bad GE=General Enigma, and they don't bring good things to live, just 
nightmare ish systems we need to troubleshoot or fix daily. 




  Edward Ziots

  Network Engineer

  Lifespan Organization

  MCSE,MCSA,MCP+I, ME, CCA, Security +, Network +



  From: James Kerr [] 
  Sent: Wednesday, March 11, 2009 12:52 PM
  To: NT System Admin Issues
  Subject: OT - Cool Site


  In order to do this yourself you need to have a webcam but you can view a 
demo of it on the site as well. I thoughts the geeks on this site my like this, 
I know I did and so did my kids.









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