Don't forget the chrome, maybe some little spinners over the fan ports


From: Daniel Rodriguez [] 
Sent: Saturday, May 02, 2009 9:42 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Re: Rackable 'lights' etc

I was going to suggest that you go to either Autozone, or some other
auto shop, that specializes in tricking out either a car or truck. Find
some blue or purple flouresent lights, the ones that you put under a car
to make appear as if it were floating, hook that up to a 12vdc output
and string them in the cage/cabinet. 
You could really be fancy and find some sort of LED Lights that flicker,
or brighten, when the volume gets 'pumped up'. Find some small walkman
radio or cd player, hook up the lights to the earphone or speaker output
and then watch the light show.
Or, you could do the Farnsworth approach. Hook up an old CRT device to
the top of your cage and output a dollar sign on the screen. Worked for

On Sat, May 2, 2009 at 9:10 PM, Erik Goldoff <> wrote:

        put your switches in there, making sure not to block the lights
with the cables, nice light show with the link activity lights.
        And if you have to, setup a box with multiple multiple-port nics
( like the adaptec 4 port ethernet adapter ) assigning each their own
IP, and then create a batch or script that will pseudo-randomly light
the link activity lights via PING or short copy commands.  Maybe force a
couple to 10mb, normally a different link light color ...
        and for dog and pony shows, if you've got drive cabinets in the
racks, setup a box with a batch/script/command file that just copies and
deletes files from a sandbox folder, to make the drive lights
continuosly flicker nice <g>  you could even remotely trigger the
copy/delete sequence from another machine right before they do the 'show
and tell' and kill it when they leave ...

        Erik Goldoff

        IT  Consultant

        Systems, Networks, & Security 



        From: Benjamin Zachary - Lists [] 
        Sent: Saturday, May 02, 2009 7:41 PM
        To: NT System Admin Issues
        Subject: Rackable 'lights' etc

        I have a client that just purchased several 3u and 4u servers to
go in a couple of cages. The guy asked me for some lights and action to
put in to show investors and such. I was looking for maybe some rack
mount environmental device monitor or something. 


        Nothing too expensive its mostly just for show, but I figured
there had to be some neat/stupid stuff out there, I just couldn't think
of anything.















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