Using a type of Einsteinian thought experiment I used to describe
to my students; if you and your friend were to construct two rigid
beams, each a light year in length and arrange them alongside each
other, about a foot apart, it would be easy to transmit information
*much* faster than light. Simply move the one beam slightly and, due to
leverage, the other end of the beam (a light year away) would move
instantaneously. Your friend would only see the image of you moving the
beam a year later but would already know about it!

Peter van Houten

On the 29/07/2009 20:58, Jon Harris wrote the following:
Sorry the faster than light travel is at the math modeling level not the
functional model level.

On Wed, Jul 29, 2009 at 2:56 PM, Jon Harris <
<>> wrote:

    They have already done the computers that talk, transporters at the
    molecular level, and proved the existance of anti-matter.  It will
    only be time before it is all true.  Scientist are also working on
    faster than light travel and have two working models now.

    On Wed, Jul 29, 2009 at 2:49 PM, Micheal Espinola Jr
    < <>> wrote:



        On Wed, Jul 29, 2009 at 2:36 PM, Sherry
        Abercrombie< <>> wrote:
         > --
         > Sherry Abercrombie
         > "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable
        from magic."
         > Arthur C. Clarke

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~ <>  ~

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