On Thu, Sep 24, 2009 at 5:03 PM, MarvinC <marv...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 2. There's a Simple 36gb drive.

  That could be a hot spare.

> Sooooooo! For some reason the server errors and show the drives as Failed
> when attempting to boot from the SCSI controller card.

  That sounds like it has a hardware RAID controller card, not a plain
SCSI card.  With a plain SCSI card, a failed drive normally either
doesn't appear in the SCSI BIOS POST list, or hangs the SCSI BIOS
detection probe, or fails to boot.

  What's the *exact* message it's giving you?

> If I change the cable I get a different error.

  What's the "different error"?

> If I take the drives and add them into the other,
> identical, server, I get NVRAM mismatch errors on Post ...

  That also sounds like a hardware RAID controller.  The controller is
saying the configuration in NVRAM on the card does not match
configuration on the disks.

> So I take the cable and plug it into the onboard SCSI connector.

  Eeek!  That's bad.  As in, "don't cross the streams" bad.  The OS
will likely do things to the drives without following whatever
protocol the RAID controller uses, effectively ruining the RAID set.

> The servers boots into the OS, sees the drives but lists them as Failed
> and Foriegn.

  Right, because a mirror managed by a hardware RAID controller will
generally appear like two identical copies of the same disk.  The
second will appear as foreign because it has a duplicate signature and
the OS won't tolerate that.  The RAID 5 set will be completely
unrecognizable to the OS.

> When I attempt to Reactivate Volume or Import either of the
> Foreign disks I get the following error in the System Log:

  RAID implemented by a hardware controller and RAID implemented by
the Windows OS are two completely different things.  There's as
different as FAT and NTFS, or NTFS and Macintosh HFS+.  The OS has no
idea what to do with your hardware RAID sets.

> My gut tells me the system's hosed and that all data on the dynamic drives
> is lost ...

  A hardware RAID 5 set isn't a "dynamic drive" or anything else from
Microsoft.  Without the proper RAID controller, it's an opaque entity
which Windows cannot use.

  You might have been okay before you started messing around with the
RAID sets like that.  Doing that quite possibly scrambled the contents
of the RAID 5 set.  It certainly broke the mirror set.

  I know this is harsh, but since this is a data loss situation: You
should contact someone who knows what they're doing.  You have almost
certainly made things much worse by flailing around like this.  I'm
sorry if telling you this hurts your feelings, but if you're a good
tech you'll recognize that the client's data is more important than
your pride.

  There are data recovery companies which specialize in fixing this
kind of disaster.  OnTrack is probabbly the most well-known.  I've
also used CBL <http://www.cbltech.com/> with success.  Tell them what
you did.  They'll probably want you to ship all the disks *and* the
RAID controller to them.  It will be expensive.

  If you insist on doing it yourself, or if the client can't afford to
get themselves out of this hole:

  Since you've got a sort-of running system, first copy off everything
from the one mirror member that you can, while you can.

  Next, I would recommend creating block-level images of all the
existing disks, using another computer, and a plain SCSI controller.
That way you have a backup if you make things even worse than they
already are.  I would do this by booting Linux from CD, attaching a
disk with at least 200 GB of free space, and then using "dd" to image
each disk.  For example:

        mount /dev/sda1 /backup
        dd if=/dev/sdb of=/backup/disk1.img
        dd if=/dev/sdc of=/backup/disk2.img
        dd if=/dev/sdd of=/backup/disk3.img
        dd if=/dev/sde of=/backup/disk4.img
        dd if=/dev/sdf of=/backup/disk5.img

(The above assume the first disk, "sda", is the data disk with the
filesystem you're storing the backups on.)

  Then I would shut that down, and put all the disks back in the
original computer, with the original RAID controller, *EXCEPT* I would
only put in one member of the mirror set.  Since you're booted and run
off one of those, the other member will be out of sync.  If you boot
with both, I have no idea what will happen, but "scrambled filesystem"
seems likely.

  Then try to convince the hardware RAID controller to recognize the
old RAID-5 set again.  If you're really lucky, the
configuration-on-disk hasn't been blown away, and you'll be able to
get it to mount again.  Possibly degraded with one member failed.
Then copy everything you can off the system.

  If you can't get the controller to recognize the RAID 5 set from the
disks, see if there's an option to re-create the RAID set in degraded
mode without reinitializing all the disks.  If you're really lucky,
you can find a way to tell the controller the way things were, and
then the data will still be there.  See if the company who made the
RAID controller is still around.  Their tech support may be able to

-- Ben

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