
If your virtualized DC runs out if time even you configured it to get the time 
from an external time server, but your ESX server on which it runs on is ok, 
than do this Tools settings only for the DC. Leave the other VMs to sync with 
your time master DC. It is not VMware best practices to set "Time 
synchronisation between the virtual machine and the ESX Server operating 
system" option in VMware Tools for all VMs.


From: James Rankin [kz2...@googlemail.com]
Sent: Friday, October 23, 2009 10:42
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: VMWare ESX time synchronisation

Anyone know if there is any way to automate the setting of "Time 
synchronisation between the virtual machine and the ESX Server operating 
system" option in VMWare Tools? I want to enable this on all of my virtual 
servers as doing it in this fashion seems to work more effectively than 
sync'ing everything from my virtualised PDCe. However, I don't fancy logging on 
to each one individually and checking the box....does anyone know if there is a 
way of automating the setting of this option? My Googling appears to be tinged 
with week-ending weariness....



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