Man I hate those commercials.




From: Maglinger, Paul [] 
Sent: Friday, October 23, 2009 10:07 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Ammo for apple mac sales pitch


And with a "Friday funny"...


From: MarvinC [] 
Sent: Friday, October 23, 2009 8:23 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Re: Ammo for apple mac sales pitch


Why limit yourself to only working on Windows? I would see incorporating
Macs or any other platform into an environment as a challenge. Sure you
have to alter a few methods here and there but that's usually the beauty
of it unless you've become so complacent that you only have enough
patience, time, and motivation to learn and manage Windows. :-) Windows
isn't the only technology circulating in the IT field so I'd welcome the
Mac integration and move on. If it's that big of a deal create the
documentation and pass the work over to a desktop tech. Just don't limit
yourself and become that IT guy with the over-inflated ego constantly
"bitching" about having too much work. There are plenty of us out here
starving who would love to eat off your plate. 
hmm work; yummy yummy yummy for my tummy tummy tummy! gulp! ahhhhh!
'cuse me. :-o

On Thu, Oct 22, 2009 at 7:24 PM, Glen Johnson <> wrote:

Our boss wants my assistant and me to meet with a rep who wants us to
put in some macs.

We are a %100 windows shop, no mac experience and with only two of us,
we really don't want any more added to our overloaded plates.

Other than the cost to train one or both of us, cost for some
centralized patching, centralized management, what other reasons can
yall recommend we use to prevent this from happening.

I don't want to be dishonest with him, but I would hate to see this
dumped on us without us presenting all the valid reasons we can come up

We have a windows 2008 domain and I think you have to turn on some less
secure authentication in the domain to allow them to login.  Anyone know
if that is correct?

What about centralized password policies, screen savers, and such?

Thanks for any ammo anyone cares to provide.








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