Defintely don't sell them. I just use them.  I can agree to the
"inherently secure" proclamation. Asides that, the product works and
I'll leave it up to the OP to do the research necessary to make the
best decision for his orginazation. I would suggest you do the same,
but I'm pretty sure it would be in vein.

Sure, send me your paypal address..unless of course you've found a
"free" linux  alternative to paypal.

On 10/27/09, Ben Scott <> wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 27, 2009 at 8:55 PM, Harry Singh <> wrote:
>> It's outbound load balancing capabilities work in the field and work well.
>   So?  Outbound load balancing is trivial to do on practically any
> multi-port router.
>> It's a pure layer2 product ...
>   How does it load balance outbound connections at layer two only?
>   The only thing I can think of would be to have *both* upstream
> devices have the *same* local IP address, which would (1) mandate NAT,
> (2) be very confusing, and (3) be nearly impossible to trouble-shoot.
>   Also, why do we care whether the load balancer operates at layer two
> or layer three, so long as it gets the job done?
>> ... operates at wire speed.
>   "Wire speed" is a meaningless marketing term.  Nothing operates at
> "wire speed".  Putting a device into a circuit is always going to be
> slower than *not* putting that device there.
>   In terms of performance, a 700 MHz Pentium II can keep up with 10 or
> 20 megabits per second of traffic while adding no more latency than a
> typical edge router.
>> There isn't any ... or exposure externally ...
>   How is a device whose explict purpose is to connect multiple
> external feeds not connected externally?
>> ... which makes the device inherently secure ...
>   "Inherently secure" is marketing b*llsh*t.  There's no such thing as
> "inherently secure".
>   Are you selling these things or something?  Because it sounds like
> you're just quoting the marketing brochure.
>> But it doesn't discredit or diminish the fact the Elfiq's
>> does exactly what the OP is requesting.
>   Sure.  And there are products which are a total rip-off, even if
> they do exactly what they claim they do.
>   Want to buy paperclips from me for $10 each?  They do a *fantastic*
> job holding a few sheets of paper together.
> -- Ben
> ~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
> ~ <>  ~

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~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~ <>  ~

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