I'll respond to this one seriously, since I've had a few applications which
install SQL instances fail like this.  The installer program may not
function correctly because it sets an SA password that isn't complex enough
for your environment, therefore the application cannot be installed.  It may
be that the SA account is never used again after the installer is done, in
which case set the SA account to be complex after the application has been

Optionally, the machine in question can be removed from the AD, application
installed and rejoined to the AD.  In the same case the SA password should
be changed to match complexity requirements.

On Thu, Dec 17, 2009 at 8:37 AM, Sherry Abercrombie <saber...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Got this request from on of our DBA's, I'm waiting to respond until after I
> stop laughing hysterically:
> Need domain policy temporarly changed on dbaserver to remove requirment for
> Windows complex password, so application can be installed and then the
> policy can be reactivated.
> --
> Sherry Abercrombie
> "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."
> Arthur C. Clarke

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