Yes there was explanation, and I understand with the decision they made and why 
they made it, heck it even makes sense on many levels, but that doesn't mean I 
have to LIKE it :). In fact I used to be the team that this is now assigned to.

It boils down to the team that has this responsibility has nobody that cares 
about such things - nobody on that team wants to do it or has the desire to 
keep astride of MS Server OS developments. They deployed a server last month 
and it's not even 2003 R2, they have no 2008 servers even for testing purposes. 
OTOH I have 2008 Terminal Server, 2008 Server with MOSS, and a couple other 
2008 Server's for development and shake-out purposes. I am allowed to build 
servers as long as they are handling just employee-facing use 
(file/print/SMS/anti-virus/SharePoint, etc) but I now have no say in 
infrastructure planning and design.

"We'll hand this to the team that doesn't care about it, they'll get to it when 
they have to" is in essence what I heard. If they had an SE who was driven to 
pay attention to this stuff I would be MUCH happier.

From: Sean Martin []
Sent: Friday, January 08, 2010 8:29 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Re: Adding 2008 DC's...

Was there any explanation as to why they chose the other team to handle this 
particular task? If not, I would discuss it with one of the decision makers 
before thinking the worst. It sounds like you had a vested interest in 
completing this new initiative. If that's that kind of attitude you typically 
bring to all of the projects you're responsible for, it's quite possible they 
would just rather you focus on more important tasks.

I've had the fortunate history to work with some decent and not so decent 
managers/executives. While I'm positive they were all responsible for decisions 
I originally could not wrap my head around, not one of them refused to explain 
their actions if they were approached in a calm, professional manner. Their 
explanations didn't always make sense, but it was the willingness to take the 
time to explain that was an eye opener for me.

Just food for thought.

- Sean
On Fri, Jan 8, 2010 at 7:00 AM, David Lum 
<<>> wrote:
Yeah, intellectually I get that. It's frustrating to me because it goes from 
someone who actually _likes_ to pay attention to that stuff to a team that 
couldn't care less about it and will do the minimum necessary to roll it out, 
they'll do it because they HAVE to. Anyone think the results will be different 
than if it was handled by a team that WANTED to do it?

Well...I still have SCCM, Citrix, and Terminal Servers on my plate among other 
things, maybe I could actually get proficient at one of 'em.

From: Kim Longenbaugh 
Sent: Friday, January 08, 2010 6:23 AM

To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Adding 2008 DC's...

Not demoted, just a victim of political maneuvering, or a decision by some PHB 
that hasn't reset his Etch-a-Sketch lately.

From: David Lum [<>]
Sent: Friday, January 08, 2010 8:16 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Adding 2008 DC's...

Amazing, after a meeting yesterday the deployment of 2008 has been taken out of 
my area altogether, to the team of SE's that hasn't even deployed 2003 R2 
anywhere much less a 2008 machine, because that team doesn't really care about 
such minutiae until they find out that some OS is no longer supported. Oh yeah, 
and it's me pointing THAT out...

I feel like I've been demoted.

TGIF...I think.
(Desk) 971.222.1025 // (Cell) 503.267.9764

From: Michael B. Smith 
Sent: Thursday, January 07, 2010 10:51 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Adding 2008 DC's...

It removes a number of "obsolete" security options.

I quote the word "obsolete" because some older/insecure products depend on 
them. Older versions of SAMBA for example. Some NAS that based on older 
versions of SAMBA, etc.

I ran into a product at one customer called a "CAS" that allowed a single 
sign-on to Apache/IIS/and Windows by actually doing a man-in-the-middle attack! 
It depended on this too.

From: David Lum [<>]
Sent: Thursday, January 07, 2010 1:36 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Adding 2008 DC's...

>From what I've read changing the functional level to 2008 doesn't really "do" 
>anything I particular anyway, right?

From: Michael B. Smith 
Sent: Thursday, January 07, 2010 9:09 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Adding 2008 DC's...

You have to run the schema upgrade, but nothing says that you ever have to bump 
the domain functional level or the forest functional level.

I've done this for a number of customers, with no ill effect.

I'd recommend you roll out 2008 or 2008 R2. It'll save you work in the future.

From: David Lum [<>]
Sent: Thursday, January 07, 2010 12:00 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Adding 2008 DC's...

We have an environment with five 2003 Server DC's. I need to roll out two new 
DC's and would like to make them 2008 Server. Do you guys consider this a major 
or minor infrastructure change? I'm on the fence - existing DC's are untouched 
save for running ADPREP on the schema master, otherwise the  existing DC's are 
untouched. Lots of new features though and to me just as importantly 2008 will 
be supported for years to come.

My fellow SE's are telling me to just roll out 2003 and call it good, but to me 
it seems silly since our DC's typically hang around a long time (6+ years 
currently), and in 5 years security patches go away for 2003 (extended support 
ends 7/2015, and mainstream support ends 7/2010).

(Desk) 971.222.1025 // (Cell) 503.267.9764

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~ <>  ~

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