This is much better handled with a web app with a sql backend, and
perhaps email notifications.

On Tue, Jan 12, 2010 at 06:24, David Lum <> wrote:
> Saw this Help Desk ticket flow to my team today:
> “Need a mailbox set up for expense reports: This mailbox will be for expense
> reports to go into for projects.  The expense reports and invoices will be
> sent to this mailbox via e-mail. “
> Expense reports and invoices being stored in Exchange doesn’t feel like the
> right solution here. Expense reports are submitted via e-mail, but putting
> them all into one mailbox doesn’t seem like the best long-term solution,
> seems like they should be emailed into something more….dunno…scalable
> perhaps.
> I can see this being easy to implement initially but I’m not sure it will
> have the manageability they’ll need in oh, a year or two, but I can’t think
> of anything better off the top of my head.
> Anyone?
> (Desk) 971.222.1025 // (Cell) 503.267.9764

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