dude, no one asked if it would protect against getting Antivirus2010, I
asked if it was effective in removing it from a system that had been
infected.  The reason I was asking is that MRT is *already* on her system
from automatic updates versus her having to navigate to some site, download,
install, and *then* run something more effective ...
thanks for your prompt but irrelevant responses, I guess it keeps the
conversations interesting.
But please, if I ask for the time, just tell me what time it is, not how to
make a better watch.

Erik Goldoff

IT  Consultant

Systems, Networks, & Security 

'  Security is an ongoing process, not a one time event ! '



From: David Mazzaccaro [mailto:david.mazzacc...@hudsonhhc.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, January 27, 2010 11:15 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Malicious Software Removal Tool

Well, you asked "is it effective against" so I would say no.... since it
will not PROTECT you against from Antivirus 2010.
I don't even bother installing it.
As for removing it, yes, I believe it does.  
However, since it only gets updated once a month, you would be much better
off using something more recent.
Especially since all these Antivirus malware apps have many variations, and
may not get detected by whatever version(s) of AV2010 your friend may
actually have.


From: Erik Goldoff [mailto:egold...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, January 27, 2010 11:01 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Malicious Software Removal Tool

"( heard from a non-tech friend out of state that got hit on her netbook )"
She has already been infected with Antivirus2010 ... 

Erik Goldoff

IT  Consultant

Systems, Networks, & Security 

'  Security is an ongoing process, not a one time event ! '


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