I have a ROBOCOPY batch file question please:

C:\Parcams is a directory that accumulates dated security camera snapshots.
The snapshots for each day are stored in a sub-directory, named after that
i.e., C:\Parcams\parcams-12-30-2009

I have prepared a script for purging files and folders that are greater than
"n" days old.
However, I have not quite got the script right. It successfully deletes the
inside the dated directories, but it leaves the empty directories behind.

pic: http://screencast.com/t/OWFlYmEy

Here is the text of the script:

mkdir c:\dump
robocopy C:\PARCAMS C:\dump /E /MOV /MINAGE:60 /R:10
rmdir C:\dump /s /q

Here is a screenshot of the results of the batch file:

Any suggested tweaks? I'd like to have the script remove those empty
directories too.

Thanks!  ~Greg

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