The values you want are


This KB details this:

-----Original Message-----
From: Mayo, Bill [] 
Sent: Wednesday, April 28, 2010 12:08 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: The finer points of NTFS ACLs (was: Software installs on
new PCs)


We do exactly what you describe, and I always have issues (mostly when
doing file migrations due to server moves) related to people copying
files from one secured directory to another and the permissions not
getting updated.  When the permissions are set to inherit from parent,
it seems to me that Windows should re-assess that on a file copy.

Bill Mayo 

-----Original Message-----
From: Ben Scott [] 
Sent: Wednesday, April 28, 2010 12:45 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: The finer points of NTFS ACLs (was: Software installs on new

On Wed, Apr 28, 2010 at 11:54 AM, James Rankin <>
> We see this problem where people create folders under shared drives, 
> that each new folder is owned by the creating user who then has the
added rights.
> The solution is some weekly subinacl tasks that re-take ownership of 
> the whole fileserver structure back to BUILTIN\Administrators

  Wouldn't it be better to just remove "CREATOR OWNER" from the ACL on
the folder?

  All our shared folders are set so only the group(s) which should have
permission are present.

  The only good use for "CREATOR OWNER" I've found is kludging around
apps that insist on writing to their own program directory.  So grant
users "Create File" on "This folder only", and separately grant "CREATOR
OWNER" "Modify" on "Files only".  Now users can create the file, but
can't touch anything else.

  My biggest beef is that if you move an object within a "drive" on
Windows, Windows does not update the ACL on the object to reflect
different permissions in its new location.  So, for example, when a file
is moved from the QA-only pre-release folder to the whole-company
general-release folder, the file still has permissions for pre-release
and nobody else can read it.  Anyone got a fix for *that*?

-- Ben

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