On Wed, Apr 28, 2010 at 4:55 PM, Ziots, Edward <ezi...@lifespan.org> wrote:
> Define “Properly Secured” because what is secured from one users prospective
> is totally different than what another user thinks ...

  "Properly secured" would mean the accounts used for day-to-day
operations do not have permission to modify the system.  Principle of
least privilege.  A well-known and widely-recommended best practice
since roughly the 1960s.  As I went on to detail in my message.

> ... no ... computer for that matter can be 100% protected.

  I never claimed otherwise.  I wrote "properly secured", not
"perfectly secured".

  Did reading comprehension just drop sharply or something?  What is
it about this topic that makes people unable to follow a line of
reasoning?  It's like attack of the strawmen.  What next, "Macs are
more secure because Chewbacca is a Wookie"?

-- Ben

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