On Mon, May 10, 2010 at 2:42 PM, Ben Scott <mailvor...@gmail.com> wrote:
>  Anyone care to give recommendations in the small business/SOHO
> accounting product space?

  In my own research for this, I've come across "NolaPro"[1].  What I
find is interesting is the sales model.  The base package is "free".
Then a large number of individually fairly simple features are offered
as "add-ons"[2] for minimal cost.  For example, the feature that lets
you enter arbitrary private notes about an order costs $3 (for all
users, it appears).  I guess the theory is, you pay only for the
features you use.

[1]  http://www.nolapro.com/
[2] https://ecom.nolapro.com/index.php/cPath/22

  It's a novel approach, if nothing else.  I can see some advantages.
It lets them know what features people are willing to pay for.  And,
in theory, it would let less commonly used features still be available
(just the price for those would be higher).  I can see disadvantages.
A ton of license codes to keep track of.  Liable to be a hassle while
you discover what add-ons you need.

  No idea if it works or not.  :)

-- Ben

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