On Wed, Jun 9, 2010 at 11:32 AM, Richard Stovall <rich...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Does anyone have experience with an internet bandwidth product known as
> "Ethernet First Mile".  I have a very compelling offer for internet
> bandwidth from a local provider (Cavalier Telephone) for 5 Mbps with an SLA.
>  It would halve my current charges from Level (3).

  As far as the tech goes: Google results suggest it's a suite of
protocols and standards for delivering service using a variety of
technologies (copper, two kinds of fiber), so I think "Ethernet in the
First Mile" is too general to produce useful results for you.  You'd
want to know what type they're using, and prolly what brand.

  Also: In my experience, the company matters a lot more than the type
of technology.  The traditional telcos have incredibly robustly
engineered technology, but their management is so inept/evil that it
often sucks to be their customer.

-- Ben

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