This is why I highly recommend

For a small monthly fee, you can do pretty much whatever the hell you want.   
For example, friends of mine in the UK use it to watch US TV shows on Hulu 
(which blocks overseas IPs).

Technology will always beat idiocy like this...


From: Andrew S. Baker []
Sent: Thursday, July 08, 2010 8:57 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Re: Australian Internet Filtering Position

For too many reasons to mention in this post, the government (any government) 
is hardly the best entity for actively filtering the Internet for any subset of 
people outside of "employees".  If, for some reason which defies explanation, 
the government MUST be involved, then the system in question must be optional, 
and there can be no penalty for circumvention, or record of usage/non-usage.


On Thu, Jul 8, 2010 at 8:12 AM, Erik Goldoff 
<<>> wrote:
my personal opinion is that it is unjust censorship, even if initially 
implemented as a security for the masses type reason.
Ask the Chinese how they feel about their internet access being 
filtered/controlled .
On Wed, Jul 7, 2010 at 11:54 PM, Ryan Halloway 
<<>> wrote:

With sites like this appearing everywhere:<> and

Just trying to get a general opinion with what everyone thinks of the filtering 
situation in Australia. Whether you believe its a good thing or a bad thing or 
you don't really care. I'm writing a letter to an Australian MP (Member of 
Parliament) and I want to get some actual opinions of what other systems 
administrators think of the internet filter, even if they are not in Australia. 
Not only at a technical aspect but at an opinion aspect as well.

Either reply on list or pm me. I just want to get a general idea.



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